Tagungsankündigungen für 2017 – Madrid und Orlando

Hiermit möchten wir Sie auf zwei Tagungen hinweisen: 20th European Conference on Literacy
“Working together to encourage equity through literacy communities: a challenge of the 21st Century” Madrid, 3. bis 6. Juli 2017 Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 30, 2016. Für weitere Informationen schauen Sie bitte auf http://aelemadrid2017.com/en/xx-european-conference/ nach
“This European Conference provides a meeting point for discussing issues related to the literacy as social practice. One of its main objectives is to highlight researches and good practices in literacy that take place within and outside the school. The next edition will be held in Madrid from 3 to 6 July 2017. It is the twentieth edition in a series of biannual conferences supported by the associations integrated in International Development in Europe Committee (IDEC) of the International Literacy Association (ILA). The Spanish Reading and Writing Association (AELE), with the support from the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), hosts this new Conference edition.
As organizers of the 20th European Conference on Literacy, we encourage teacher-educators and teachers, researchers, librarians, students, parents, etc. to actively participate in this event by submitting projects, experiences and other theoretical or practical contributions on literacy as “moving target”.

Annual Convention of the International Literacy Association Orlando, 15. - 17. Juli 2017 Deadline for proposals: September 5, 2016 Für weitere Informationen schauen Sie bitte auf http://literacyworldwide.org/about-us/news-events/ila-conference-exhibits/

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