Internationale Tagungen zum Lesen und Schreiben
Auf unserer Homepage möchten wir Sie über anstehende internationale Tagungen zum Lesen und Schreiben informieren und zudem Präsentationsfolien von vergangenen Tagungen, die von Mitgliedern der DGLS besucht wurden, bereitstellen.
Vergangene internationale Tagungen
European Literacy Conference
Die European Literacy Conference fand dieses Jahr im Juli in Madrid zum Thema Working together to encourage equity through literacy communities: a challenge of the 21st Century statt. Nähere Informationen zur Tagung finden Sie auf der Tagungs-Website unter
Annual Convention of the International Literacy Association
Die jährliche Tagung der International Literacy Association fand vom 15. - 17. Juli 2017 in Orland0 statt. Nähere Informationen finden Sie auf der Tagungs-Website unter
Literacy in the Digital Age in Vilnius, Litauen
- Will Brozo: Boys’ Media as a Resource in Their Own Literacy Development
- Hanna Sauerborn: Teaching literacy in the zone of proximal development – more than a necessity for children with special educational needs
- Renate Valtin: Facing the European Literacy Challenge: Some information about ELINET, the European Literacy Policy Network
ILA Tagung 2016 in Boston, USA
3rd Baltic Sea - 17th Nordic Literacy Conference in Turku/Abo, Finnland
- Blanchard - The developing brain and digital technologies: Implications for reading
- Brozo - Leaving No Boy Behind
- Brozo, Valtin, Sulkinen - ELINET: Promoting Best Practices and Policies in Literacy across Europe
- Edtstadtler & Iderblog-Team: Writing on screen for improving German orthography
- Sulkunen: Literacy - Action for the Future
- Sauerborn - MLM – make literacy meaningful
International Reading Association, 59TH ANNUAL CONFERECE, New Orleans
New Literacies, New Challenges: 18th European Conference on Reading, Jönköping, Sweden
- Digital Futures: Learning and Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age, Jackie Marsh University of Sheffield
- Fostering Reading "Empeerically" - Help for Struggling Readers by Means of Cooperative Learning, Maik Philipp, Katharina Kirchhofer and Martin Brändli (Center for Reading, Windisch, Switzerland)
- Preparing teacher students for linguistic and cultural diversity, Prof. Dr. Astrid Rank, Universität Landau
Reykjavik, Iceland, June 13, 2012
- Closing the Reading Achievement Gap for Boys: Engaging Texts, Engaging Practices, Dr. William G. Brozo, George Mason University
- What Reading Gives to Writing: Helping children compose written language, Henrietta Dombey, University of Brighton UK
- Eight steps of collaborative writing, Anne Jyrkiäinen (PhD), Kirsi-Liisa Koskinen-Sinisalo (Licentiate of Education, School of Education, University of Tampere)
Literacy & Diversity: 17th European Conference on Reading
July 31 > August 3, 2011 in Mons (Belgium)
- Bilingual Literacy-activities of Migrant Minority Children in the Family, Petra Wieler, Freie University Berlin
- German kindergarten and the question of phonological awareness, Prof. Dr. Renate Valtin
- Making Sense of Reading Teacher Education Research and Prospects for Future Research, Victoria J. Risko, IRA President
- Phonological awareness: “necessary” prerequisite
for the successful acquisition of literacy?, Rüdiger-Philipp Rackwitz, University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
POster: Spelling of non-words by students at primary school, at university and in courses for adult illiterates, Rüdiger-Philipp Rackwitz, University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany - The Strenghtening Potentials of (Bilingual) Fictional Stories for Migrant Minority Children‘s Literacy acquisition, Petra Wieler, Freie University Berlin
16th European Conference on Reading
Braga, Portugal, July 22, 2009
- Teaching Adolescent Struggling Readers. European Research Findings About Good Practice, Prof. Dr. Christine Garbe, PD Dr. Karl Holle
(Leuphana University Lüneburg; Germany) - Inter-cultural Education in German Schools, Horst Paul Kuhley, Elisabeth Gessner
- Reading Competence and Personality Characteristics -
findings from PIRLS and PISA, Renate Valtin - Is it possible to efficiently teach reading and writing to all five to seven year old children? FIJALKOW, Jacques (Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail, France)
- Vorleseaktivitäten in der Schule (Reading activities in the school). Elisabeth Gessner, Horst Paul Kuhley