National Report to the International Development in Europe (August 2005)
Commitee of the International Reading Association (IRA) by Renate Valtin National Report to the International Development in Europe
Committee of the International Reading Association (IRA)
Submitting the report: Ursula Gern, International Coordinator
Name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail of contact person:
Ursula Gern, Lerchenweg 6, 24646 Warder, phone: 04329/535
mobile: 0171/1730047, fax at work: 04321/9423605
Time period of report: January 2005 to July 2005
1. Membership:
About 600, the DGLS was founded in 1968
2. Board:
President: Prof. Renate Valtin, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Vice President: Dr. Ada Sasse, Universität Erfurt
3. Conferences
several years the DGLS has been running an annual conference open for
members and non-members and an annual meeting for members only.
annual conference 05 is scheduled for September 17 at Berlin, Humboldt
University with the topic “ Literacy and socio-economic deprivation”.
The annual meeting for members will take place from Nov.18-20 at
“Schloss Rauischholzhausen” with a general meeting and the new board to
be elected. The meeting will focus on reading and spelling difficulties (
Recent publication: Ada Sasse & Renate Valtin (Eds): Lesen lehren, Berlin 2005
ISBN 3-9809663-1-3
book contains theoretical models and practical projects regarding the
development of reading competence and reading strategies. It contains
papers from the annual conference 2004.
5.New projects
is going to run the 15th European Conference on Reading “Checkpoint
Literacy” in Berlin 2007”, August 5-8, 07, Humboldt University.
6.Partnership with the Bulgarian Reading Association BulRA
partnership - existing since 2002 - was fostered by implementing a
second EU Youth Program funded project aiming at developing
intercultural literacy.
In April 05 12 Bulgarian students met with
German students in Luebeck, Germany for seven days with the president
of BulRA as head of the group ( report under
The International Reading Association
by Pehr-Olof Rönnholm, chair, International Reading Association,
International Development Co-ordinating Committee
Reading Association has close to 100,000 members some 70 % are
individual members, the rest are institutions like libraries, institutes
etc. The great majority is classroom teachers and reading specialists. A
few thousand members are from outside the USA.
More than 1,200 International Reading Association councils in North America hold regular meetings and conferences and promote literacy at local, state, provincial, and national levels. In addition, more than 50 volunteer committees and 45 special interest groups explore a wide variety of issues and interests. Outside North America there are 42 national affiliates who have been given a member charter by the main organisation based in Newark, Delaware.
Like in other regions all the European national associations form an International Development Committee. The roots go back to an anglo-nordic co-operation in the 70s. Today the committee has close to 30 members who meet twice a year.
advocates of professionalism in the teaching of reading, International
Reading Association participates actively in the process of shaping
policy in education, and disseminates research-based positions on
critical issues to members, educators, policy makers, parents and the
media. In addition, International Reading Association provides
leadership and support for literacy activities throughout the world in
both industrialised nations and developing countries.
Professional Development
providing opportunities for communication and professional growth among
the various constituencies within the literacy field, International
Reading Association facilitates the exchange of ideas among educators.
The organisation hosts several professional conferences each year,
including one-day focused forums and seminars that give educators
opportunities to exchange the latest research and discuss implications
for the teaching practice.
Publications are an essential part of the
professional offers. They include publications of more than 100 print
and non-print titles on reading and related topics that address
important issues facing professional educators today. The International
Reading Association publishes five peer-reviewed professional journals
and produces 15-20 new books, videotapes, and electronic products each
year. Reading Today, a bimonthly newspaper, is mailed to all members of
the association.
The International Reading Association Annual
Convention is arranged somewhere in the USA. In 2001 the site was New
Orleans. Over 15 000 literacy professionals gather from all over the
world for exchange of information. Teachers in reading and related
fields share their experience and provide valuable information on new
techniques, insights, and research. All presenters do it voluntarily.
other year, the Association organises a world congress on reading. The
presentations and workshops attract educators, administrators, and
researchers dedicated to enhancing and expanding literacy. The next
world congress will be in Edinburgh in the summer of 2002.
In Europe
regional Reading Conferences are arranged every odd year, in 2001 it
will be held in Dublin. The programme committee has accepted 240
proposals (Including 90 from USA). At least 400 persons are welcome to
participate. The International Development in Europe Committee has
organized 10 conferences since the 70s. The International Reading
Association office in Paris organized the very first one. The office
does not exist any more.
The International Reading Association's
commitment to promote literacy is reflected in the Reading and Writing
for Critical Thinking (RWCT) project, active in 20 countries of Central
and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Based on the financing
and the idea of the Soros foundations that democratic practices in
schools play an important role in the transition toward more open
societies, RWCT is designed to be adaptable to many different settings
and contexts.
The International Reading Association grants program
offers financial support to school- and university-based researchers
world-wide, and the awards program recognises researchers at all stages
of their careers including teachers as researchers.
The International Reading Association Mission:
in 1956, the International Reading Association seeks to promote high
levels of literacy for all by improving the quality of reading
instruction through studying the reading process and teaching
techniques; serving as a clearinghouse for the dissemination of reading
research through conferences, journals, and other publications; and
actively encouraging the lifetime reading habit.
National associations
the individual educator the most important organisation is the national
association. Some associations consist of several councils like in
Sweden, but in the majority of European countries individual members
form the association. As a national association affiliated to the
International Reading Association it is obliged to serve all language
groups within the country. There is only one exception in Europe. The
Belgian association consists of two sections: a Flemish and a French
one. The writer does not know how the German language group is cared
for. It is important that an association is built on the tradition and
culture of a country in order to be able to serve the needs. This is
also a base for a fruitful exchange of knowledge and information between
the different national associations.
For more information check the European web site
or the International Reading Association's
You can also contact Janet Butler,
Tel: +1 302 731 600, ext. 293. Fax: +1 302 731 1057, e-mail:
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